Sunday, December 12, 2010

Important blog for the Season!!!

Some of the women from Songbird Sings programs and women singing the beautiful healing songs that are being written.

Hey, Folks. 'Tis the Season again. In this time of giving, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to my non-profit organization,
Songbird Sings, which is currently raising funds to continue offering songwriting programs to incarcerated women.

Incarcerated women are an invisible population that typically has little, if any, access to creative arts programs that help address and heal trauma. Having worked with these women many times, I would say 9 out of 10 of them are in prison because of domestic violence and childhood abuse that cycled beyond their control, leading them to break the law and make bad choices. But these women are not bad people—far from it. They are survivors. And they still have lives to live once they get out—families to go back to, communities to be part of. Songbird Sings, with its songwriting/performing element, helps these women to look inside, speak their truth and understand there is so much more to who they are than their wounds. It prepares them to reenter society with hope, confidence and a new belief in their potential.

Working with domestic abuse survivors from all walks of life—helping them find joy in their lives through songwriting healing programs—is the most worthwhile thing I have done. Doing this work with incarcerated women is mind altering. Imagine the emotionally charged atmosphere, following a performance of their beautiful songs, when these women receive a standing ovation from the entire prison audience, including the men who may have been responsible for putting them there. Through the tears that are shed on both sides of the stage, there is so much healing.

Please help to support the continued success of these programs by giving generously to Songbird Sings.
To make your tax-deductible donation, visit

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